All it took was the first good snowstorm.
All I can think about is the mountains. It’s been a long time, living in town. I miss living in the woods. Where you only see trees out the window instead of the all the neighbor houses. Where you step outside and there are no man-sounds. All I can think about is the mountains. There is a good friend not far away living the dream high up in a tiny end-of-the-road mountain village and I am jealous and envious of the freedom. I miss being able to go out the door and out into the wilderness within minutes. Instead of hours. Not having to drive in a car to get to the woods is the real dream. Bike, hike, ski, whatever you like. Perhaps someday it can happen again, be there right on the edge. Certain people are always longing for something. I am one of those people and for me often it is the woods. I spend more time there now than I have in years and it is good. A little four footed furry friend showed up in our house some months ago and he has shaken me out of my indolence. We go hiking after work most days on a convenient trail located midway on my commute home. A stout climb up the mountain with never very many people most times. It’s a good little trail. The same trail every time. Some would say: that’s boring, the same trail? But nature is never boring. The same trail is almost better to watch the seasons, to watch the changes. Every time it is different. The foliage is different. The air is different. The trees are different. The soil is different. And now that it’s dark when we go, there is never anyone else. Just the deer and the moose. And the bears. A few squirrels. Grouse. With the snow down finally their tracks are everywhere. My little buddy tries to find them and follows all the tracks. They are long gone so he comes back shortly and catches up and we keep walking. The headlamp lights the path if there is no moon but it’s nice to go without if it’s bright enough. It’s funny because the highway below hundreds of people pass by without a thought. Some of them are rushing home to go to the gym where they can be warm and fool themselves that they are “getting in shape”. They are mostly just getting the gym owners wallets in shape. I used to do that too but not anymore. Out here is the real deal. Going uphill for real, year round. If we get more snow it will be on snowshoes or skis or the splitboard.