Thursday, March 6, 2008

Up at 4:30 am

I woke up at around 4 and couldn't sleep any more for some reason. So I got out of bed and fired up the computer and started importing some cd's to Itunes. I just migrated my entire library from my mac harddrive to my PC (since my mac died). There are a number of discs that I haven't put on there yet so I did some catching up. I had an idea last night that I would get up early and put a batch of chili into the crock pot before I went to work so after some importing I went to the kitchen. Vegetarian chili was prepared and put into the crockpot on high. I will turn it to low before I go to work, and by tonight we will have some tasty business!
My Team Muleterro buddies and I had a meeting with the Gallatin Valley Bike Club last night. We are going to handle PR and advertising for their main fund raising event: The Spring Bike Swap. We just got added as a team to their umbrella nonprofit status so we have to do some work with them. I am heading this up as I did a bunch of event promotion when I was doing movies with my buddy Erik at Stormshadow Productions a few years back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have a new crock pot of chicken enchildas going myself today. Have finally got you on the RSS feeds, so I'll be up on anything new you post.